Monday, January 31, 2011

Zonamaco 2011

México Arte Contemporáneo, mejor conocido en el medio del arte como Maco y, más recientemente como Zonamaco, es la única Feria en su tipo en toda America Latina y es, orgullosamente, Mexicana. Se lleva a cabo desde el año 2004 y es dirigida por Zelika García, graduada de la Licenciatura en Artes y originaria de Monterrey, México.

Para mi, Zonamaco es la combinación perfecta entre Arte y Entretenimiento y en el año 2008, tuve a bien participar como voluntaria de dicha Feria, lo cual representó para mi una gran oportunidad de estar más cerca del Arte que nunca, sobre todo el Arte Contemporáneo, siendo este mi favorito. Durante aquella semana se abril estuve colaborando con la Feria en el Area dedicada a los Galeristas, sobre todo los extranjeros, quienes venían de varias partes del mundo como Estados Unidos, Sudamérica y Europa, principalmente. En ese lapso de tiempo mi trabajo era, prácticamente, ir de un lugar/evento a otro desde muy temprano hasta altas horas de la noche en varias ocasiones, lo cual no me importaba pues en un mismo día podía asistir a la inauguración de una Exposición en algún Museo de la Ciudad de México, para después recorrer un poco (sin presiones y como mejor me pareciera) tantas Galerías como se expusieran en la Feria misma y terminar el día con una gran fiesta en algún lugar buena onda, lleno de gente interesante.

Durante 2009 y 2010 no pude ser parte de Zonamaco pues, como muchos saben, me encontraba fuera de México; aunque eso no impidió que extrañara la Feria, sobre todo en el 2009. Ahora que estoy de regreso en el DF (por lo menos por un buen rato), quiero y tengo la oportunidad de ser parte de la Feria de nueva cuenta, lo cual me tiene muy emocionada pues que creo que será mejor aún que en 2008 y, creo también, que estoy mucho mejor preparada para cualquier oportunidad que Zonamaco pudiera conllevar. El comité de selección del 2011 está conformado por:
  • Patricia Ortiz Monasterio & Jaime Riestra
  • Daniel Roesler
  • Thomas Krinzinger
  • Silvia Ortiz & Inés López Quesada
  • Carolyn Alexader

De acuerdo con el sitio oficial de Zonamaco, este año la feria incluirá más de 90 galerías de todo el mundo representando a más de 900 artistas.
Zonamaco 2011 será organizado de la siguiente manera:

Sección Principal - Presentará galerías con más de 5 años de experiencia que cumplen con los estanderes de calidad que el comité ha determinado, en esté espacio habrá stands de 40, 60, 80 y 120 metros cuadrados. Nuevas Propuestas - Mostrará galerías con menos de 5 años de experiencia presentando artistas emergentes en espacio de de 20 metros cuadrados.

Publicaciones - Incluye a más de 50 medios impresos y de internet nacionales e internacionales.

Zonamaco Sur - Es la sección creada para mostrar proyectos individuales la cual estará curada por Adriano Pedrosa en el cual se mostrará entre 20 galerías de 30 metros cuadrados, estás galerías solo podrán participar si son invitadas por el curador y mostrarán el trabajo de artistas emergentes del hemisferio sur.

Zonamaco Diseño - Será un pabellón que mostrará galerías nacionales e internacionales de diseño, los espacios serán de 20 metros cuadrados y las galerías participantes serán seleccionadas por un comité de selección especial para esta nueva sección.

Programa de Coleccionistas - Nuestro Programa de Coleccionistas incluye un programa socio-cultural con visitas a colecciones privadas, visitas a museos de la ciudad, así como cenas y fiestas con los representantes de los museos, curadores, galeristas y coleccionistas que cada año son invitados a participar en la semana de la feria que se realizará en Abril.

ZONAMACO México Arte Contemporáneo se llevará a cabo en el Centro Banamex, Sala D, en la Ciudad de México del 6 al 10 de Abril del 2011. Para mayor información, visiten su sitio oficial: Ya les estaré contando más conforme la fecha se acerque, así que estén pendientes!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

To Read + To Watch

This year that's starting I have decided there are three things that I wanna do, well, there are actually a lot more but you know, I wanna start slowly but surely, so the three of my, I don't wanna say "resolutions" so I'm gonna use "project" as it is closer to how it feels. The first, and one of the most important, things I wanna do is settled down in Mexico City at least for a an entire year, which finishes in November -because that's when this particular plan started-, along with my mobile phone contract and now it's been 2 months already far so good hehe. Besides that contract, the opening and shared-running of "333" will keep me busy enough (hopefully) to hang around that long; after that there are not many options really, just two to be honest, either I will: Stay and continue with a life of settlement in my hometown, or Travel around a bit more and maybe settle some place not miserable! lol

The other two projects are not nearly as important, it's just something that I wanna do because I like to do, so project #2 is to watch a movie i haven't watched before everyday, or at least, one every other day...either a new or an old movie; so far you could say I've been doing it every other day as I've seen like 12 or 13 movies since January 1st--not bad really, considering "333" has kept me busy. I will publish the complete list of movies I've been watching by the end of every month, perhaps you can use it as a recommendation list of what to watch and what not to watch--I'll try to be objective when I comment on them.

The last project involves something I really like doing as well, but that I haven't gotten to do as often as I'd like in the last couple of years and that is reading, yes, my projects involves reading at least one book per month, I think 12 would be a very good number by the end of the year, especially considering things such as the fact that people these days don't read as much as they used to, particularly in Mexico so, on top of enjoying many good readings by the end of 2011, I'd be also contributing with the numbers--it's a win-win really, isn't it? So far I've been doing good, I read a 574-page book in one week (I don't remember reading a book that thick that fast ever before, due to lack of time or whatever, I just don't think I had) and I am ready to start another one but I haven't found the right one just yet, I have several options but I'm still deciding; just like with the movies, I will let you know on a post the book/s I've read for the month.

I believe this should be interesting as reading is something that will only help you in life and watching movies can also be educating, besides entertaining. If anybody happens to have any title suggestions for either films or books, please be my guest--I have a pretty wide taste in both so I'm quite open to any type of suggestion really and it would be very much appreciated.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Una Mirada a "333 Café"

Hoy quiero comenzar agradeciento a todos los que fueron a la Inauguración de "333" el sábado, la cual -gracias a todos ustedes- fue un éxito, en verdad quedamos satisfechas con los resultados y esperamos que lo hayan pasado bien, que les haya gustado el café y demás y que vuelvan muy pronto!

Con tanto ajetreo, ese día no pude tomar fotos, aunque llevaba mi cámara real y todo -buuu-, pero bueno, seguro ya habrá otras oportunidades. Nuevamente GRACIAS a todos y nos vemos en 333!!
Y para los que no han ido, les dejo algunas fotos para que vean de lo que se están perdiendo y vayan pronto!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011



So, here are some more Quotes as people started the year saying some quite funny things--enjoy!

"Kris - Kim, you have to have a house-warming party!
Kim - I don't want anyone over...ever" - The Kardashians

"Voy a repartir mi ira a lo largo de las siguientes semanas, y te lo reprochare cuando estés más contento" Marge Simpson

"Ni tan guapo como en Facebook, ni tan feo como la IFE" - Random

"B - What happened to the genetics when it came to Kim? She doesn't seem to be very tough at all!
K - Too much Channel at too young!" - Bruce + Khloe from Keeping up With the Kardashians

"Kourtney (pretending to be Tyra Banks) - Why did you make a sex tape?
Kim - Because I was horny and I felt like it" - Kourtney + Kim Kardashian

"Yo que él, si iba a mi compu, cambiaba mi proxy, abría Facebook y la borraba!" - Gichef in a "naco" kinda tone lol

"...y uno que tiene el porte!" - Gerardo L. whenever he sees "not-so-sofisticafed" people doing fancy things haha

"The good news about the past is that it's over! The great news about the futre is that you can CREATE it" - Random

"Kris - Kendall, you have to think about what you're asking for, coz money doesn't grow on trees
Kendall - Yes, it does, it's paper!" - ...The Kardashians--smart kid! haha

"Sin quieres compañía, viaja solo" - Colin Thubron--SO true!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

333 Café

Como varios de ustedes saben, mi familia y yo decidimos emprender una nueva aventura en el mundo de los negocios, lo que nos ha llevado a montar un Café, que a su vez, se utilizará como un espacio para el arte y la cultura. La idea es que, además de disfrutar de un buen café cuando vayan a "333 Café", puedan disfrutar de un buen libro y algunas fotografías de su servidora.

Probablemente se pregunten el por qué del nombre del Café, pues bien, el "333" es el resultado de la suma de la edad de las 3 dueñas -mamá, Gisela y yo- (100), dividida entre las 3 (33.3); no es gran ciencia en realidad lol.

Más adelante, se pretende que "333 Café" sea un lugar donde más y diversos artistas emergentes puedan exponer su trabajo cual si fuera una especie de pequeña Galería de Arte; ya sean fotógrafos, pintores, diseñadores y demás, así que si tienen algún talento que mostrarle al mundo, háganoslo saber y estaremos más que contentas de colaborar con ustedes.

Este Sábado 15 de Enero se llevará a cabo el Grand Opening...ok, ok, la Inauguración del Café, así que esperamos contar con su presencia a partir de las 3PM en Querétaro 165-D, en la Colonia Roma. Les dejo el mapa para que no se pierdan:

View Larger Map

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Southern Hole

I don't really think I can consider myself a "smoker", if you bare in mind smokers can't go a day without having a smoke, I actually can...and more than one day to be honest, without a problem. I guess I'm more of a, what we know as, "social smoker", you know, those people who smoke only at parties, clubs or out with friends; and sometimes, rarely really, I have one or two fags when working at home--smoking while editing feels strangely good.

Now, that small pleasure of mine (and many other Mexicans) has been affected by an outrageous raise of the price in cigarettes in Mexico recently, which -on top of it all- came in early than it should have as it was approved to happen only on January 1st, 2011, but oh well, you know people in Mexico do whatever they want...they can raise the prices on anything whenever they feel like it because they just feel like it and nobody will say anything! Why do so, right? It's a "free country" after all. Yes, I am being sarcastic. But that's because it really BOTHERS me that, in this particular case, all the establishments that sell cigarettes can do their will without seeing any consequences or even the attention from the authorities to this matter and, in the end, who always ends up paying is us, the people.

It is very simple really, I mean, you wanna smoke, fine, you go and pay MX$38 (25% more than they used to be!) and you smoke; you don't wanna smoke, you save yourself those MX$38 and you don't smoke...but sometimes, you do wanna smoke but you find extremely unfair how expensive smoking has gotten, and yes, I know that they're doing it for people's "sake" (right!), so they will stop smoking and be healthier and blah, blah, blah...they might have a point there, if only they were really doing it because of that; truth is, they're doing it because they're trying to match the price of tobacco with the price range in the rest of the world, especially Europe and, of course, the US, where a pack of cigarettes costs about US$7, depending on the state.

In general, it's really upsetting seeing how the cost of everything rises up but the salaries don't really go up and when they do, it's an amount to, seriously, laugh about, like last one, they rose only $2.34 to the daily minimum wage, which makes it now an average of $56.00 in the 3 areas in mexico (A, B, and C); so I guess now we know who won't be smoking just because they can't simply afford it...5.7 million Mexicans, which on the other hand, I don't think they really care about, I mean, I believe feeding and sustaining their families must be far more important than having a smoke, of course.

This whole post started up because I was totally upset about the rise on the cigarettes' price but doing some research to sustain what I talk about and all that I bumped into serious numbers and data that just crashes my spirit as a young Mexican, coz it's not only about a stupid thing like cigarettes, it's about everything, gas, electricity, food, all that we humans need to survive and how more than 60% of the Mexico population can't even afford that, it's like having a good nurturing is a luxury here nowadays, which is just SICK considering how much fucking money all the crap politicians make. I know, I'm not discovering anything new or anything like that, and I am definitely not the first person to be upset about it but I really think we NEED to do something soon before they finish dragging Mexico to an even deeper hole. it just pisses me off so much because Mexico is a great country and has amazing potential to be a World Power, but with the people that's currently ruling it...we just won't go very far.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The First Quotes of the Decade


So, not only are we starting a new year but also a whole new decade!! And I think it's exciting, to be honest, i mean, with a new year and decade and all, a whole bunch of new things come along; some of them may be bad, which is okay because we always learn from bad experiences, but so many other are going to be good, and we'll always be glad about them, some others will be absolutely awesome and we'll always remember them, and some others will just be random and those are the ones that will always get us by. Anyway, a new decade calls for new quotes, of course! So, I really hope people is a bit funnier and maybe wittier this time around hehe not that they aren't now, but you know, a bit more never hurt anyone. Ok, so, keep them coming and in the meantime, I'll leave you with a few ones from recent times.

"te ves bien, te ves muy bien...con una nueva aura, como un aura verde" - Roberto Meléndez after my 2nd Europe trip--NOW he sees auras! lol

"si yo fuera tu, andaria en la playa corriendo con mi traje de baño! imitandoa Rihanna!" - Gerardo L.

"Quiero de regreso mi dinero y mi emocion!" - Jimena González when power went off while watching The Killers Live at the RAH

"It's the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter." - Marlene Dietrich

"Porfa no me divorcies" - David López

"we are all foolishly seeking pleasure, drifting aimlessly and never reaching harbour" - Clarita Lulic

"...your thunder is your thunder and my thunder is my thunder!" - Gloria from Modern Family

"i wanna go to mexico and adopt a mexican mum who'll buy me wine for christmas!!!" - Preethi B.

"reading a book always puts me to sleep!" - Kim Kardashian

"you laugh like you're being seduced" - Preethi B.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Year, New Look

So, since we're all entering a new year and kicking it off with this whole good energy and vibes, I thought a little makeover on the blog would be nice for all, especially as I like to keep things moving and all. So, hope you dig it and if you don't, well, you're always welcome to send in a suggestion.

Happy 2011 to everyone!! Hope you have the will and energy it takes to work hard for what you want and, also, that you're full of love both ways, to give and receive!

Stay awesome and stay tuned!