Monday, January 23, 2012

Quotes to begin 2012

it's been ages since I last posted some Quotes over here, which I think it's a shame coz I usually collect really good ones. These are actually from last year as I haven't got any good ones this year, but I hope they start coming soon.


"Taking pictures is like tiptoeing into the kitchen late at night and stealing Oreo cookies" - Diane Arbus

"Pura rision" - Margarito
"I'm not going to believe that Generation Y (myself included) is 'addicted to praise' until I get a trophy for doing so." - Hipster Mermaid
"Love you more than ice-cream (chocolate even!) on a sunny day" - Karrigan
"Vendes muy barato tu olvido" - A. Patrón
"Claudia - Manos chicas, pito chico.
Melissa - Manos de niña, pito raro." - Convo with Claudia + Melissa
"Most near-death survivors say they don't think there is a God. They know." - Nancy Evans
"posoye sesta muriendo gente qeu antes nise moria" - Margarito
"Oh please, after the Big C, you don't sweat the small stuff" - Samantha Jones (SATC)
"To Bombay; my muse, my whore, my beloved!" - Dhobi Ghat Film
" seems to be down....Oh, no sorry, it's back up again." - Someone
"Necesito pelear con alguien inferior a mi!" - Claudia LMAO!!
"cantas bien feo ninel ansory" - Margarito
"Tú hasta en Paris nos tenías con el 'Jesús' en la boca!" - Gichef
"tu avatar me recuerda a Kevin Costner en "El guardaespaldas" - Abbie Díaz
"life was much easier when apple and blackberry were just fruit..." - Someone
"Y esos zapatitos qué? Muy fashion, no?!" - Dani, my 5 yo niece
"I expect nothing, so I'm pleasantly surprised when anything good happens." - Someone
"Okie now that u have clear eye sight.....   Chris or ss??" - Preethi B.

To review the whole Quote Collection, go Diana's Quote Collection

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