Monday, June 6, 2011

June Quotes!!!

So, let's get started with some June Quotes as the Summer is just about to kick in and the fun time of the year is supposed to kick in as well. Well, while it does...let's have a kick outta people who say some funny stuff.


"Suele suceder que en los peores momentos de nuestra vida... aprendemos las mejores lecciones" - Paola Flores

"Charly - Qué haras cuando no haya tecnologia...diana bradshaw?
Me - uf, no lo se...huir al fin dl mundo y re-aprender a escribir a mano" - Convo between me + Charly

"It's an actual fact, there's no turning back." - Random

"Sobrevivencia inspira sobrevivencia." - Livestrong Foundation.

".. Soy tu tía Cher, bienvenido al Burlesque" - Iván Salazar

"aaawwwww hon what with the "thanks for asking preets" you are still random!!!" - Preethi B.

"socia, nunca has sido socialmente correcta" - Jimena Glez.--she says it's a good thing though...I hope.

"...i have no idea what goes on in that lil mexicano disco themed brain of yours!!" - Preethi B.

"i had me a virgin once!!!" - Ms. B.

"drunk on love, friendship...and happy memories" - Jodie Williamson

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